Check the level of surface active chemical additives and impurities in water-based process liquids quickly and easily by measuring surface tension. The operator can then dose the process with surfactant until the surface tension is at the desired level.
The AL-20 is ideal for regular or continuous sampling of process liquids and Statistical Process Control.
Key features
- Quick quality checks taking less than 60 s
- Portable - ideal for at-line, SPC or in-lab use
- Suitable for processes with low chemical turnover
- Simple three button operation
- Easy to clean and calibrate
- Clear LCD display for presentation of the measurements
- Robust design for factory applications
- Easy to use calibration kit included
- Optional PC interface (USB) for data storage
- Optional automatic export to common SPC programs
- Optional battery operation
- Patented technology
- No overdosing of surfactants
- reduces costs
- Controlled process
- improved efficiency
- better quality
- Less rejects
- higher yield
- Control over environmental waste
- Extended chemical process lifetime
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